One thing that is important to avoid in a relationship is friction. Friction causes things to run hot in a bad way. Friction is the energy that is expelled when two forces rub against each other. That can be in an argument or in the contact between your skin. Oil up your relationship to avoid friction. Obviously oiling up your bodies when they are going to be in contact for a long time is a wonderful feeling. Sliding against each other instead of dragging against the other person skin is so much better. Lubrication is a important part of intimacy and lubrication in your everyday life is important also. Think of ways to make your life smoother. Maybe getting up early to get your shower done so you are out of the way in the morning. Starting your partners car on a cold morning or just making them a wonderful dinner are great ways to add lubrication to your relationship. When you are looking for ways to lubricate your relationship look for those things your partner enjoys and express interest in their desires and you should receive the same treatment back. That is how a well oiled relationship runs and avoids problems.