As your relationship grows you will start to sense times when you need to leave your partner alone. It might be a certain time of the month or a certain day of the week. It could also be sporadic in nature but you can just tell by the way they are acting. On these days it is better just to stay away from the subject of making them feel better. For example if Mondays are a bad day because it is back to work time, then give them the space. Don't try to make them feel better only to get them upset with you let them roll around in their anger. Don't give them the chance to direct the anger towards you on these days that you know they are going to be upset. If you partner is female, then track her menstrual cycle to see the days that might be a good day for you to hang with the guys. You don't always have to cheer up your partner. This has taken me many years to understand but sometimes you just have to let them fume for them to get over it.
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