Today is a great day to do something to get your lovers attention. Well everyday is a good day for this, but today we are going to do it a little more wild. We are going to make them have to touch you in places that we hope will spark a little more intimate touching later. What you need to do is get a personal item of theirs that you know they will need. Such as their car keys, purse, or even the clothes they are getting ready to put on are good items to start with. Next you are going to place these items near a place on your body that would be a little more intimate to touch. For instance you could have the remote to the television tucked between your legs near you crotch area. Then when they need the item make them come and get it. When their hand reaches for the item make sure to move so that they have to touch you in the intimate area and see how they react to that. Men you can put things in your front pockets and make your partner dig for the item hopefully hitting all the right areas. Ladies you can put money in your bra for when you partner asks for a little cash, go ahead and let them search around your bra for it. Hold thing behind your back and make them have to reach around you to get it then wrap them up in a hug as they do. The possibilities are endless to be creative like the picture above you might be able to get your partner to switch their beer to buttwiser. Sorry couldn't resist the joke. Have fun and get it on.
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