Okay tonight you are ready for a great night of sex. You would love for you wife, partner, or girlfriend to give you a play by play of what she would like. What do you do if your partner is a little more reserved about letting you know her likes or dislikes. A lot of people men as well as women have a hard time asking or tell their partner what they want or fantasies about. Don't fear however I have a couple of solutions that might help you out.
If your like most couples you have a drawer full of sex toys, lubes, simulators, etc. Yet it seems like you don't go to it very much for fear your more reserved partner might not want to, because they won't talk about it. Well take the embarrassment out of their hands. Tell them you are going to leave the room and you would like them to pick out a couple of items form the drawer they would like to use. Tell them to stick the items inside your pillow case and turn out the lights when they are ready. With the lights out and the items tucked away, it will seem like they didn't really pick out the things you are going to use on them. This might be a great way for them to open up about their sexual preferences so make sure you use the items they have picked. Take turns once a week and do the same for your partner by placing things you want to experience in their pillowcase the next time.
Another way you can get them to open up about their wants is to give them an outlet other then talking. Let them right down what they want to do. They could do it on paper, through email, or even text you. Give them room to do this, and don't set there and look over their shoulder. Leave the room and have them give you a sign when they are done. Again you can take turns doing this as it is only fair both partners get a chance.
It seems silly that we sometimes have trouble conversing about sex to our partner. Sometimes it comes from the way we were brought up and what our parents instilled in us. Other times people are just shy or fear the other persons reactions about their choices. Doing these things a few times might loosen up your talking about them at a later time.