Friday, January 22, 2010

Feeling comfortable

Feeling comfortable in a relationship is one of the most under rated feelings that people miss out on. We go into relationship trying to be the perfect person and making the person we are trying to attract think that we don't have any flaws. In doing this we set ourself up to not be as comfortable in the beginning as we would like to be. We live under these false pretenses believing that we can keep it up the through out the relationship. Finally as some point you have to break down and show that you are not this perfect person that you have been trying to convince your partner you are. When you feel comfortable in your relationship this isn't hard, you have open communication and it is easy to express your feelings and admit your problems. On the other hand if you are uncomfortable with the communication admitting these issues is a bit more hard. My suggestion to anyone getting into a relationship is to be as close to yourself as you can and make sure the person you are trying to attract likes the real you. You don't what them to find out down the road of issues that might make your relationship tense. Relax as you go out on those first few dates and show your new flame how you really are, not only will they appreciate it but you can rest assured that you won't have to live behind a mask.

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