Saturday, January 9, 2010

Having fun together.

Romance is what it is, but where does it start? You don't just become romantic with someone you just met, that would seem a little stalkerish. If you started serenading them outside their window after the first date, you most likely wouldn't get a second date. So how do you get to the point where you can be romantic? Well it all starts with having fun together. A bond forms when you enjoy being together and doing things together. Think back to any relationship you ever were in, and you will see that you had fun together first then became more romantically involved. I think we lose sight of that sometime and forget to have fun together. We just want to jump to the romantic part and in doing so we miss the foundation for a great relationship. Sure the foundation is put down first in a house but what would happen if you removed the foundation after the house was built? The house would crumble into the ground. Think about that in terms of your relationship. To have a solid and sturdy relationship the two of you have to be able to enjoy each other in a fun way.

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