Thursday, January 14, 2010

Keep an on going wish lists

Christmas is past and gone with it are the thoughts of purchasing presents for your beloved. Not so true, their are several more holiday in which gifts are usually exchanged. Valentines Day is just around the corner, birthdays, anniversaries, and so forth are just a sample of holidays that we purchase gifts for, plus sometimes we just want to buy the person we love a little trinket to show them we are thinking about them. To help with this process both of you should keep a wish list available for your partner to be able to view anytime they wish. Maybe you could make a special file on your computer or even keep a shared document available for the two of you both to get into and change the list as needed (Google documents allows this feature). When you see something you would like to have go ahead and put it on the list. This way when you partner is getting ready to purchase a gift for you, what ever the occasion they will have a list available without having to ask you that dreaded question, "What would you like for our/your..." Not only do you get what you want but they can also surprise you without your input. Make sure to keep the list updated regularly so you don't get things you have already purchased or decided you didn't really want. This will make all your holiday even more special plus help with the frustration of your mate trying to find something to purchase for you.

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