How do you respond to your partner when you get up? Are you a cave person that only grunts at them or are you a person that greets them in the morning like they are the reason you got up. People are split, some are morning people and some are not but you should always make it a point to express your love to your partner when first getting up. There are several ways to do this that are simple and easy even for the most non-morning person. A simple roll over hug is a nice way to say, "I am still tired, but I love you" or a soft kiss on the check, heck even just putting your hands on them relays your message of care. Sometimes your morning greeting can greatly effect the day not only for you but for you partner also. Being grumpy or angry with your partner can change the whole dynamics of their day. Don't take a chance ruining yours and their day put a little effort into showing them you are glad to see them, even if you are not ready to get up.
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