Want to impress you love with a surprise date? Based on the same idea as geocaching we have made geodating. This is where you enter the coordinates of the place you are wishing to take your partner on a date into their GPS unit. You could also text or email them the coordinates if you can't get hold of their GPS unit. Once you give them the coordinates all you have to do is sit back and wait for that special someone to figure out where they are going and arrive to meet you. You can pick things like restaurants, landmarks or even just a specific area outdoors such as a place to have a picnic. It makes your date seem like a treasure hunt and will build excitement if you decide to go to someplace neither of you has been before. Make sure both of you have cell phones in case something goes wrong or the person needs assistance once they reach the destination. Take turns picking places to have your dates. This activity, can make every date seem like the first date over and over again.
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