Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's okay to be a couple.

If you are like me when you are out with the members of your same sex, all they seem to want to do is bash on their partner. They talk about how they don't do this or how this annoys them. I am challenging you to break out of this mold. Next time you find yourself in this situation instead of joining in to bash on your partner to the opposite. Find something that you really enjoy about your partner and tell your friends about that. Maybe it was the great birthday present you got or how when you were sick how your partner took care of you. See if you can change the tides and get the water flowing in the opposite direction. Stay away from telling them about your sex life, for that is private even with your best friends. Who knows maybe you can help improve another relationship by helping them find good things instead of focusing on the things that bother them.

Photo form Olliethebastards photo stream on Flickr

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