Is there a time to be selfish in a relationship? Of coarse there is we all need to have and want our needs and desires met. However how do we accommodate this type of thinking when we want to attend to our partners needs also? Well it is a give and take process you have to feel when it is all right for you take and know when it is time for you to give. How in the heck do you know when those times are? Believe me you will know your body will tell you when you need things and your mind won't let you forget about them. As for you partner all you have to do is love them and you will feel their needs and desires also. It is not an exact science but neither is life itself. The learning process goes on for ever and understanding that you will constantly be given new and fresh challenges in your relationship is a calming notion that when you come to grips with all things sort of fall into place. So be a little selfish when it is your turn and be ready to let your partner be selfish at time just make sure it is a 50-50 split to get the best results.
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