I an curious about how much people touch while they are asleep. I am a huge fan of touching and the comfort of it while I sleep. However, my partner isn't so we battle back and forth on the subject. She tries to touch and times I try not to but I think that maybe it is each individuals make up. We all know that touch is important in our daily lives studies have shown the touch is a very positive thing to us. But is it when we are sleeping? I would love to see a study done on this topic and see what the conclusions are. Chime in yourself and let me know how you feel about touching during sleep. Is it a comfort or a annoyance to you? Does it help you sleep or does it keep waking you up? Lastly, how do you touch during sleep stages, are your arms around on another, head on chest, or do you feet touch? I am curious and would love for you to send me your feelings on this subject to thecouplesspot@gmail.com Now go get some sleep.
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