Everyone has those days when you just don't feel great or you might be a little depressed. These are the days you don't want to do your normal routine. You don't want to work out, you don't want to mess with cleaning the kitchen you just want to wallow in your sorrows. Most people might think this is not a healthy activity. I feel like a little bit of this is good for you it keeps you grounded. Now if this is happening everyday you might need to seek some help. One day of this is not going to drive you over the edge. Take the time and do nothing at all, watch some bad television and just hang out together. Don't analyze what is going on just take time to reflect. Think of the good things in your life as you are dealing with the bad, the theory behind this is that once you start thinking of the good things the bad won't seem that bad. I remember a particular tough time in my life where I found myself in a lawyers office. I was depressed and sad about the things going on and I remember my lawyer telling me, "Everything is going to be all right" Then he went on to say "I lost my daughter last week in a car accident, now that is something to mourn for" That statement hit me like a ton of bricks and it really got me understanding how to put things in perspective. Don't make a habit of it but embrace the times you don't feel great and happy and then reflect on them and see that they are really most likely not as bad as they are making you feel.
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