Sunday, April 25, 2010

Seafood is it the Chicken of the sea.

We all know that seafood is good for us. Plus with as abundant as the sea is we should not really deplete the oceans as we have the other areas of the world. However, us humans are pretty good at not knowing what we are doing until it is almost to late. My point her however is how romantic seafood is. Oysters have always been known for their romantic boosting abilities. There is just something about seafood that is sexy to me. Lobster, crabs, fish, shrimp, to me say great night out and a romantic stream flowing down my pallet. Maybe it is because I live no where near the ocean, in the middle of the United States of America. So, I wonder if people that live on the coast view their seafood as such a romantic dish as I do? I would love to hear your views. Send them to me at Here in the middle of the country chicken and beef are normal everyday meals to us so I wonder is seafood the chicken of the coast line or do they still hold seafood as a romantic special meal? Looking forward to hearing your feelings.

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