Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Going the extra mile, might not get you a parade, but...

Has this ever happened to you. You are involved in a project or watching a show when you partner asks for your help or for you to do something for them. Your initial reaction is to say no I am busy but then it runs through your mind and you think about it the other way. Would they or would you want you to have them help you out if you needed it. That right there makes you get up to help them out. Do your realize what you have just done? You are now a wonderful person that puts your partner first. You should pat yourself on the back, heck maybe you should get an award or a parade in your honor. What usually happens, is that nothing usually happens you perform the task and return to the thing you were doing before. No parade, no trophy, nothing. Until your partner comes in and kisses you and says, "Thank You" now it is no parade but it still makes it all worth wild. If your partner appreciates you at all you will feel warm inside for doing them favors.

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