Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Speak to each other in code.

Do you ever just want to tell you mate what your thinking and not worry about other people hearing. Maybe you want your man to take you and throw you on the bed and make passionate love to you. Maybe you just want to tell you partner you love them but don't want to hear about it from the other guys and girls at the table. Well, all you have to do is change some words around so that only the two of you know what they mean. Replace sex or love making with baseball then whenever you are around a lot of people you can say to your partner, "Would you like to go to a baseball game" or "I wish I was up to the plate right now" No one will thing about it twice but the two of you will know exactly what it means. Say you want to tell your partner you love them in a crowded setting. You can replace the phrase "I Love You" with "Don't forget to pick up the milk" or "Don't forget to make that phone call" It almost makes it seem like you are spies trying to send coded messages to each other. No matter how it feels you get the point across to each other and no one else.

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