Once all is done for the day, and you no longer have to think about doing anything it is time to snuggle up together. After a hard day of work, or play, and you have made love it is time for the two of you to fit together like puzzle pieces. It takes some trial and error to find just the perfect placement where you both can feel comfortable and connected to each other during slumber. Spooning is the easiest and most accepted way to snuggle but every couple is different. Some couples like to sleep back to back with their butts touching while others use their feet as if they were hands to hold each other. We always see the woman sleeping on the man's chest in the movies but from most of my conversations, most couples find this uncomfortable. Then the other question that pops up is what do you sleep in while you are snuggling? My favorite is to just be naked, skin on skin is the best in my opinion, plus it makes it easy if you get any urges to be intimate with each other during the night. Light pajamas seem to be the favorite on average though especially if their are any little children in the house. I would love to hear about the different and strange ways our viewers snuggle so drop me a line and let me know your crazy way of snuggling.
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