Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Refresh the sheets.

Your bedroom is one of the most important places for romance to happen. So a good practice to get into is changing your sheets often. For starters it shows you care about your partner wanting them to sleep on clean sheets. Plus if you are having sex very often the sheets can get dirty pretty fast. Sleeping in the wet spot is bad enough but think about that spot drying up and staying in your sheets. Get yourself several different sets of sheets, different colors and different fabric types to set specific moods or to deal with the changing seasons. Flannel sheets are great for snuggling up in the colder winter months, while cotton sheets add an airy comfort in the summer time. Colors such as red and black help promote intimacy and silk and satin sheets can make you feel like you are in your own porn movie. You can change the whole dynamic of you bedroom just by changing the sheets. Buy sheets for special occasions and as gifts to make them even more special. Have Christmas sheets with christmas colors, you can also have anniversary sheets if you like. No matter what your taste a little more time between the sheets is never a bad thing in the case of romance.

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