Men are you tired of hearing your partner say they are not in the mood or that they don't feel like it tonight? Well if you are hearing that way to often then you need to do something about it. Think about it if sexy didn't feel good to you and you didn't get satisfied would you enjoy doing it that often? Now put the shoe on the other foot, is you partner getting what they need from this experience? Everyone gets bored with their sex life from time to time, so to fire it back up you need to learn something new. Purchase a new toy or ask you partner what they would like to try that is different. You might be surprise at how anxious they will be if you give them what they want. Study up and learn new oral sex techniques or try out some different positions. You might not be able to use your new technique right away but when you get a chance, be ready to perform your new talent. Be patient and wait for the right time. Here is an especially good idea. Why not let yourself get off until you let your partner. Yes you heard me correctly put them first make it a point let them be the center of attention and you will most likely get a return. You sex life is a funny thing, we seem to lose track of the other persons feelings as we focus on our own. Remember this is for the both of you and once you convince your partner you are focusing on their pleasure they will start focusing on yours. Good luck and good sex to you.
Passion up definitely