One thing you need to put focus on is watching for changes in your partner. Have they been working out, did they get a new outfit, or change their hairstyle. Noticing these simple little changes tells your partner that you are paying attention to them. Try to keep track of things such as hair appointments, and workout times that your partner keeps. Compliment them on their changes or progress often. This helps them keep motivated to keep up the workouts or trying to impress you! As hard as it is sometimes be honest when they ask your opinion. However always be positive about something they are doing. Sometimes it takes a while for a new change to grow on you. Reserve your right to your opinion for a later date if you are unsure. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that when your partner changes something drastically it might just be because they want to catch your eye. With that said the next time your partner gets a drastically different hair style, new clothes, or starts working out (especially in front of you), they might just be looking to catch your eye. Maybe you need to step back and see if you are giving them the attention that they need. I love when my partner changes something about her it makes me take even more notice of how much I love her.
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