Remember way back when and the excitement you had as a kid when you would get a happy meal. You didn't even touch your food until you got the prize out of the box. Why not do that every once in a while for your partner? Next time you go to a fast food place to pick up the food slip a little something in the bottom of the bag for your sweety. It doesn't have to be something large or expensive. Maybe a Magazine they like or their favorite candy bar. Something to show them you are thinking about them. If you do have the means maybe some tickets to a show or sporting event would be nice. You could even do a coupon for a evening out instead of fast food the next time. Be creative you can even get little stuffed animals to place in the bottom of the back just to make someone feel warm and fuzzy. A word of caution however, realize that the food from these places sometimes is greasy. Don't put tickets in the bottom of the bag without protection on them so the grease doesn't ruin them. A little zip lock bag will do nicely and keep your prize safe and sound.
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