When you are looking for something romantic to do and are short on funds you have to get a little creative. Something I find very romantic and extremely cheap is to just take a walking tour of a larger city. Most everyone lives within driving distance to a larger city if you don't live within one. Do a little research on some of the amazing architecture in this city and make a walking tour of these amazing buildings. You might just be amazed at how much great scenery is within the asphalt jungle of a larger city. In Chicago I know that you can view artwork just walking around downtown, not to mention Millennium Park that has several exciting attractions to watch and enjoy. Larger cities seem to try to entertain people more with their buildings and parks, so why not enjoy them. I don't think anyone would mind watching the sunset at Navy Pier or viewing some great artwork on a hand in hand walk. You just might find you will get addicted to sight seeing. Remember it doesn't cost to look and a picture is worth a thousand word, so those two things combined sound like a win win situation for your relationship.
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