Here is an exercise to get you thinking about your partner. Set a time at the beginning of day and when the clock reaches that time here what I want you to do. I want you to think about the most special thing your partner has done for you. Did they throw you a surprise party on your last birthday, did they buy you flowers for no reason, or cook you supper on a night you were tired. Maybe this thought is of how they helped you when you lost a loved one, or how they take care of the children so you can get some rest. I am sure if you start thinking you can come up with thousands of reasons to smile about your partner.
Now I know you and your partner at sometimes do something that might not make the other feel great. So thinking about them in a positive manner will help diminish those thoughts. We all can't be perfect and if we were the world would be a pretty boring place. So tonight honor your partner for these special things they do and let them pick the movie or you fix dinner for them. Just make sure they know you appreciate them. Appreciation goes a long way in a relationship and sometimes we overlook it.
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