I know this may seem silly but do you give your partner a welcome home kiss every time they come home. Overkill, maybe but in talking with some people that lost a partner in a car accident or work related accident, I hear some resounding statements. "If I could have only kissed them one more time" or "I wish I would have told them I loved them one more time" are two I hear a lot. You never know what is going to happen, you just always assume that everything will be okay and normal. To me however I would better be safe then sorry. Sure no one wants to think morbid thoughts or plan for the worse. A kiss, hug, or special I love you, to me doesn't seem like that big of stretch? I mean if you can't do those things with your partner on an everyday basis then maybe their is more problems in your relationship then you think.
Starting today I want you to get in a routine of kissing your partner goodbye and hello. No they don't have to be a movie kiss, just a smooch on the lips (Not on the cheek, that's how you kiss your parents), followed by a quick I love you. Nothing more nothing less, then go about your business. Not only is this good for your relationship but it is great for your children to see and participate in. Most people have no problem doing this with their children why would it be difficult with your partner?
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