Thursday, July 1, 2010

Can driving home from vacation be romantic?

We have covered a couple of times how romantic drives can be, however this one is a little different. The drive home from vacation is usually filled with sleeping and worn out company. You desire is to get home and not to be living out of your car anymore for a while. How can we make this romantic? Well by talking about the adventures you just had. Start recounting all the things you did and the ones that you remember the most. Ask each family member what was their favorite part of vacation and what was their worst. Getting the conversation flowing will help pass the time on your boring drive home. Not to mention have you partner laughing and poking fun at the things you did while on vacation. Get your digital camera out and have the passengers check out the photos of your trip and talk about what they are seeing. Just make sure the driver keeps his/her eyes on the road.

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