Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dress it up a little!

Romance can take all shapes and forms but usually we want it to be as comfortable as it can be. However the more comfortable we get the less likely we are to get out of that comfort. One of the things that takes a big hit is dressing up to go out to dinner or on a date with each other. We get in a habit in a relationship of feeling so comfortable that it takes over the way we dress. Soon we find ourselves looking for places to eat where we can wear or comfortable clothes and be ourselves. Think back to when you wanted to impress each other. Did you wear your loose fitting clothes or eat at the local fast food establishment? No you went someplace nice and you wore clothes to impress each other. Why don't we do that now? At least once a month you should shed those normal clothes and venture out together looking good together. Find a place that is on the higher end of your budget and doesn't have any cartoon characters or clowns. Then spend the night conversing and enjoy the sights of each other. Find something to do after dinner without dressing down. Go for a stroll or go out for a drink and keep the dressed up feel going all night.

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