Monday, June 7, 2010

Coin Collection

Want to do something that doesn't seem romantic but when you partner finds out about it will make them swell up? Start a romantic coin collection. Save coins from the change of special events you go to. Things like movies you attend or romantic dinners you have together. After you pay for what ever it is save the smallest coin from that change and hold on to it. When you get home tape it to a index card and write down on the card what event it was from. Start this as soon as possible in your relationship but don't let you partner see until well into the relationship. After you have been together for a while pulling out a card with the change on it from your first date would be pretty impressive. You can also write your feelings on the card about the event or even put down little trivia things like what she was wearing, what songs you heard, or milestones in your relationship, such as first touch, first kiss, etc. Not only will this seem romantic but it will make it easy to remember all those wonderful times you had together. Just keep it going all through your relationship and you will have the best coin collection ever.

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