Sunday, February 7, 2010

Supe Bowl - Super Romantic Dish

Two things that go hand in hand are the Super Bowl and some great food. Everyone that prepares food for a Super Bowl party has a special dish that they like to make. Today is the day to show off your skills to your sweetheart. Don't just pick an easy dish to make, like nachos or hot dogs. Pick something out of the ordinary, today for instance I am making my special Stromboli with pie crusts and filled with sausage, sauce and cheese. This will most certainly impress your partner and show them that you have many talents besides being a great partner. One thing you want to make sure of is that you plan out your meal so that you won't be cooking during the game. You want the food to be ready for the two of you to enjoy during the game without missing a minute of the game. Today is also the day that the most junk is ate, so break that tradition and find healthy alternatives to snack and eat on. Remember the Super Bowl is like Christmas it only comes around once a year. Make the most of it and make it a event to remember.

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