Thursday, March 19, 2009

The "I Love You Meal"

Gentlemen/ladies let me tell you something I have learned - cooking is fun! Cooking for your spouse or loved one is even better because it shows him/her you care. We live in such a wonderful age with the Internet that it is never hard to find a recipe. Now, your mission begins with you making a list of what type of foods your partner likes. Does she/he like chicken or a specific cuisine such as mexican. Make a list and then hit the Internet. There are several recipe sites that you can find, and some of them you can even put in the ingredients your partner likes. The site will bring back a dish using those ingredients. One of my favorite sites is I even have the big oven application on my iPod touch. One point I want to make here is not to pick the same old thing you have everyday. Make something a little out of the ordinary. If you do this, it makes it a little adventurous as neither one of you will really know what it is going to taste like. I love it when my wife makes us a different meal. It may sound silly, but the excitement of taking that first bite and seeing everyones reactions is exhilirating to me. If you can, get your ingredients ahead of time. That way you are are ready to cook instead of searching through the cabinets or making a quick trip to the store. Don't take comments too seriously if your partner doesn't like it. No biggie - now you know you guys don't like - don't make it again. I know that sometimes I have made something even I don't like, every once in a while you just have to say "Wow, this sucks, lets order a pizza. Oh look the dog won't even eat it!" Yet, nothing ventured nothing gained. Lastly, if your partner makes you a meal good or bad, a burp is not the correct way to apperciate it. A simple thank you with a kiss will do.

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