Thursday, June 18, 2020

We Are The Universe

We Are The Universe

Living on earth we seem so small like a tiny speck in the universe.  Many thought are formed that we are so small that our lives do not matter in the grand scheme of things.  That we are a single cell in the organism that is the universe.  In my universe and in my mind that is quite the opposite and you should feel the same way in my opinion.   We are all part of the grand scheme of things to come no matter if you believe that everything happens for a reason or if you believe things just happen at random and have no path.   Either way every decision you make from what time you get up to what you chose to eat before bed has an impact on the entire universe.   Let that sink in for a minute.  Ever decision everyone makes has an impact on all life not only on our planet but towards all life in the universe.   Not saying theses choices are wrong or right but each choice changes a path and set you on a different course in life.  We are faced with so many choices on a daily basis this might overwhelm many people and rightfully so.   However, I believe we make it to difficult by trying to grade or decisions and second guess them.  How many times has someone said I should have done X and everything would have been different.  Which is a true statement but that doesn't mean that X would have been the right decision.  I want you to try this exercise then next time that you question a decision you have made.  Instead of thinking that if you made the wrong decision twist it around and think about how many good things came out of the decision you made.  That is how you start to see your impact on the Universe.  For you see we will never know what would have happened if you made the other choice but we know exactly what happened with the choice you made, and learning to have peace within that choice is the mystery of the Universe.  
Peace and Love,

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