Thursday, September 6, 2018

What Time Is Your First Morning Kiss?

When Should The First Kiss of the Morning Happen?

When doesn't your first morning kiss happen?  Is is while you are still in bed, or as you both sit drinking coffee or eating breakfast or does it wait until one of you is leaving for the day.  I personally feel the first kiss should happen when the first person wakes up.  You gently move over and kiss your partner lightly on the cheek or forehead to allow them to sleep longer but to also share your love energy with them.  I think it is important to kiss as you are leaving also but that shouldn't be the first kiss of the day at that point I feel it just becomes a formality.  My suggestion is to kiss your partner somewhere when you first wake up be it their shoulder, back, or lips start the days energy moving in the right direction.  

This book might Help

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