Thursday, May 25, 2017

How Couples Can Thrive Together In Business and In Love

Are you in a committed relationship? Then in a sense you are in business together - the business of life. Whether you actually work together or not you can learn a lot from the 23 inspiring entrepreneurial couples in this book.

These phenomenal couples share their insight, wisdom, advice and inspiring stories. The secrets to working, living and loving side-by-side are at your fingertips. You can transform your relationship and become Richer Together.

Inside you will discover powerful wisdom like this:

"Hear your partner's idea even when it seems absolutely crazy." - Rhonda and Brian Swan

"You can create your relationship one choice at a time...and you can always make a new choice." - Katie and Gay Hendricks

"Set time each day to be 100% attentive." -Kendall SummerHawk and Richard Shapiro

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