Eating healthy not only helps your overall health, but it helps in many others areas also. For starters people that eat healthy usually have better sex lives. They have more stamina, the look and feel better and their bodies respond to that in a very sexy manner. Eating healthy also helps you appearance and you look more attractive, so if your eating healthy and your partner can't keep their hands off you this might help you understand. Plus eating healthy can help you live longer which gives you more time for a great relationship and intimacy.
So start eating healthy today and enjoy all these benefits and so many more.
This book can help you get on your way!

Go Clean, Sexy You not only serves up a collection of delicious recipes, but offers a holistic approach on how to live a healthier life—putting whole foods into your body, detoxing every season to regularly cleanse your system, associating with those who fuel you not bring you down, and managing stress with activities that bring you back to balance.
A certified health and nutrition coach, author Lisa Consiglio Ryan provides straightforward guidance on how to overcome the obstacles that keep you from losing those last ten pounds, make you feel exhausted every afternoon, and compel you to indulge in unhealthy habits. Spending years struggling with a growing arsenal of health-destroying conditions that ranged from fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, candida and rosacea to cystitis and tons of allergies, Lisa decided to turn to nutrition and lifestyle to reclaim her health. Then pursuing her education with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, she turned her personal quest into her vocation with the launch of Whole Health Designs.
As a nationally acclaimed wellness expert, Lisa has worked with thousands in her detox programs. Her approach incorporates easy-to-adopt eating habits, free from counting calories and fat grams. As you navigate through the seasons with Lisa’s whole food–based detox plans, you’ll be tapping into your body’s wisdom, forming sustainable habits, and developing loving, respectful relationship with your body. Not only will you feel better, you’ll look better too!