Monday, February 13, 2017

Valentines Day - Show Off Your Amazing Love For Each Other

Happy Valentines Day

My hope is that you don't just celebrate your love on Valentines Day!  Your love should be celebrated daily.  I know that can seem a little strange to some of you.  Taking just a few moments each day to appreciate the love in your life and to express it to your partner can keep Valentines Day rolling all year long.  So today go overboard with your expressions of love, but going forward put a little Valentines Day into each and every day!


Sharing my love today with the most amazing woman on the planet.  Janelle, is my wife, my partner, my best friend, my goofy buddy and my world.  Love you Baby!


Put some Mediation into your love life on this Valentines Day and enjoy the power and connection it allows you to experience  

1 comment:

  1. Properly celebrate things like Valentine's Day. Again, maybe the urge to do this will diminish over time, but try igniting that flame again. If this person is the love of your life, shouldn’t you want to celebrate and make a big deal out of your relationship milestones? You can do this in any way that suits you both, the important thing is to show that other person how much having them in your life means to you.
