Monday, April 6, 2015

Don't You Know How To Make Love?

Yes you heard me right 95% of people have no idea what love making really is about.  Our school system teaches us the biology of sex but very seldom are we instructed on the spiritual aspect of love making and how it opens a door to an amazing connection not only with your lover but with may other things as well.  

Open Your Horizons and Experience Some of The Power of Love Making...

Orgasm is one of the most amazing physical feelings in the universe.  What if it was also a gateway or portal to something more?  What if through your orgasm you could reach into other dimensions or retrieve information from past or other lives you are living?   

When you use your passionate lovemaking to pierce the veil between your world and the unknown some pretty amazing things can happen.  This Sexy Challenge helps you open up to the possibility that your orgasm is a vessel for you to travel to and from a more spiritual place.  It can allow you to reach out and touch that which is untouchable for most. 

What are you waiting for?  This challenge could open you up to the joys of the Universe and it all flows through the power of your orgasmic bliss.  

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