Monday, December 31, 2012

Are These Sexy Facts True??

There are so many facts about sex that are not actually facts at all.  On this episode of Sexy Challenge Hearbeats we dive into some of these facts as they are called.  We would love to hear your comments or subjects for new episodes.  Email us at with your views.

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Photo credit © yurmary -


  1. Men also need to understand than women want's only 2 things:

    1. Every woman desires a confident man!
    2. Evert woman demands security from a man!

    If you can deliver this two things, she is yours.

    But not forget also the golden rule: "The Power in a relationship lies with the one who needs it the least."

    Best regards,

  2. This episode reminds us of the power of laughter. There isn't an easier way to make a person of the opposite feel relaxed and at ease than to make them laugh. Thanks for this reminder.
