Listen in to this episode of Mission Date Night as see how you can become role models to other couples that view your relationship.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Romance With A Spiritual Side
The ancient Kama Sutra text focuses on four main goals in life. Eroticism and pleasure are only one of those four. Few people know this. Sexy Challenges has incorporated these four main goals into a unique and beautiful scenario meant for lovers in Pillow Sutra. Share a pleasure-filled experience while deepening the bond between you and reaching towards the ultimate goals of the Kama Sutra together.
Get Pillow Sutra On the Following Plat forms.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Orgasmic Connection To Spirituality
Sexy Challenges offers you connection way beyond your imagination in this world. Pick up Orgasmic Reincarnation and see how your sex life might actually be connected to a higher and deeper power. Expand you body and mind with this Sexy Challenge!
Orgasmic Reincarnation is available on the clickable links below.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Your Sex Life Could Use Some Planning
Spontaneous intimacy is amazing and it seems as though that it comes from the powers of the Universe. When sex is spontaneous, it flows like a stream down the side of a mountain. However, if you constantly wait for spontaneous sex, you might wait a long time. Life gets busy after all.
The Couples’ Sexual Planner gives you many ways to schedule your intimacy around your life style. The best part is that your lovemaking can end up just as passionate, if not more so, than when it is spontaneous. In fact, the frequency of your lovemaking will likely increase, and there is great potential for the pleasure to increase too.
Make sure to check out all the other wonderful Sexy Challenges.
The Couples’ Sexual Planner gives you many ways to schedule your intimacy around your life style. The best part is that your lovemaking can end up just as passionate, if not more so, than when it is spontaneous. In fact, the frequency of your lovemaking will likely increase, and there is great potential for the pleasure to increase too.
Make sure to check out all the other wonderful Sexy Challenges.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Relationships 2.0
Renowned psychologist and relationship therapist Dr. Antonio Borrello and his ex-wife, psychologist Dr. Theresa Pavone, have officially codified their exhilarating and sometimes-frustrating experiences in the new digital world of dating in a new book, Relationships 2.0.
After three years of navigating the tumultuous “new world” of online dating, Antonio and Theresa did what any divorced couple would do – they joined forces to share the ultimate dating hacks they had learned. This unlikely duo has written a revolutionary new book, Relationships 2.0. To get the book published and into the hands of anyone who could benefit from it, they urge readers and supporters everywhere to back their Kickstarter campaign and win a free copy for themselves.
Bringing a unique relationships perspective never shared before, Relationships 2.0 will enable anyone to understand difficult dating or relationship situations and the changes necessary to improve their relationships.
To get a free copy of Relationships 2.0, visit the Kickstarter campaign.
After three years of navigating the tumultuous “new world” of online dating, Antonio and Theresa did what any divorced couple would do – they joined forces to share the ultimate dating hacks they had learned. This unlikely duo has written a revolutionary new book, Relationships 2.0. To get the book published and into the hands of anyone who could benefit from it, they urge readers and supporters everywhere to back their Kickstarter campaign and win a free copy for themselves.
Bringing a unique relationships perspective never shared before, Relationships 2.0 will enable anyone to understand difficult dating or relationship situations and the changes necessary to improve their relationships.
To get a free copy of Relationships 2.0, visit the Kickstarter campaign.
Art In The Bedroom
Abstract art work with a sexy twist is a powerful addition to your bedroom. Now it is my opinion that this abstract sexy art conveys the message of beauty in intimacy without being to aggressive. With abstract art everyone has their own take on it and can use as much sexiness out of it as they desire. I feel that the energy from abstract art allows the true power of intimacy to come out in the individual in their own way. So I would suggest adding some abstract art to your bedroom and see what it does for the energy that flows around your intimacy.
For More Art In The Bedroom Pick Up This Sexy Challenge:
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Sexy Little Thing Called Planking
Great sex just doesn't happen and having your body prepared to enjoy all that pleasure can be as simple as adding some exercises to your normal routine.
Sexy Challenges also helps keep you in shape for sex also.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
The Savvy Couples Secret to Building Wealth: $6,000 / Month by simply...making people happy
Take 7 seconds to ask yourself this question:
How much money do you two want to earn this year?
You don’t need to tell me, but I’d like you to keep your answer in mind as you read on…
For quite a while now, I’ve been quietly (or maybe, not so quietly) keeping my eyes peeled for my ‘right work’.
The j-o-b or entrepreneurial opportunity that I’d actually want to jump out of bed to start working on each morning. Meaningful work. Work that lets me put my skills and passions to use, while also making a difference in other people’s lives.
And finally, I’ve found it.
I am now an official Licensee of The Desire Map, by Danielle LaPorte. This means that I get to host my own world-renowned Desire Map workshops. Pre-revenues so far just hit the $6,000 mark and are still climbing – I’m floored. And yes, I’m pinching myself.
And now I’m calling on all of you who are… Coaches! Yogis! Healers! Health and Wellness pros! And basically any couples who have some entrepreneurial blood in their veins. Frankly, this program could change your entire relationship and life. It could change your kids’ life – and no, that’s not a melodramatic statement AT ALL.
For some people, Desire Map Licensing is becoming their primary way of making a living. For others, it adds a strong second revenue stream that helps them put their kids through school or take a dream vacation every year.
Most of us know those ‘business-in-a-box’ programs are hoaxes. Or if not, they’re super sleazy. But thankfully, this is a truly heart-centered, sincere business-in-a-box program that can bring you both good karma and extra cash. Making (good!) money while doing work that is based on empowerment and making a positive difference in people’s lives is where it’s at. This is something you should really take a look at before they close the door on accepting new Licensed Facilitators.
All of the income charts and hints, including a 100%, no-questions-asked full cash refund guarantee in case you decide making this kind of money is not for you, can be found by clicking here. You’ve got nothing to lose, and thousands of dollars plus the gratitude and respect of hundreds of your peers to gain.
Peace, love, and conscious profits,
p.s. I’ve updated this post with a new review of the program – read on if you want to know the Pros and Cons of becoming a part of this program.
You’re inspired. You’re ready to create value. You’re ready to shake people to the core and change lives for the better. Ready to lead a soulful revolution. And to make a helluva lot of money while you’re at it.
But with so many self-proclaimed health and wellness “gurus” out there, how do you know which life coaching workshop platform will be legit? I was in your same boat last year. I had been burned by too many wellness experts selling me half-baked programs – so much so that I had almost sworn off wellness workshops as a side income-generation tool forever. That is, until I found out that Danielle LaPorte had created an income generation opportunity with a brand new licensing program from her blockbuster book, The Desire Map.
The Desire Map book is what guided me through the shame and aimlessness of a broken engagement years ago, so I brought myself back to the table one more time to see if I could make a heft side income off of this licensing program. I’ll share my learnings with you here in this desire map workshop license review so you can make an informed decision about your investment.
My questions were two-fold:
· Can I make over $2,000 by doing this? (SPOILER ALERT: Yes – in fact I pre-sold almost $6,000 worth of revenue in just the first week alone – goodbye, car payments!)
· Will workshop attendees feel that this is worth the cost?
Let’s look deeper into what becoming a Licensor means for me and you from my experience.
· No more reinventing the wheel. Validated market for what you’ll be sharing during your workshops. Danielle LaPorte’s writing has hit three Amazon bestseller lists, Forbes, and Huffington Post. Simply put, thousands of people before you have said “yes” to their desires. It will be easy for you to find 10-20 more.
· Lucrative revenue structure. Each participant pays between $300-500 for the workshop you run with a maximum of 20 attendees. At an average of $350/pp, that works out to $7,000 revenue for a one day workshop. That doesn’t include the commissions you make on the purchase of related products through your personal affiliate links. What other product can you sell that nets you that much in a day?
· Live, dedicated support team. Danielle has hired staff that exist solely to make sure that your coaching business flourishes (and profits big time). Think about it, your success breeds their success so this high level of personalized support makes perfect sense.
· Fulfilling work. Licensors / Facilitators may very well be existing health and wellness coaches who wish to diversify their offerings, but I am hosting these Desire Map Workshops as side income to my Technology day job. So far the response by yoga studios and chiropractors, as well as HR departments in corporations, has been overwhelming. They want to partner with you and bring you into their place of business and help their clients thrive!
· Online portal. Access your course materials 24/7/365 so you always carry your new side income stream with you – just add an internet connection.
· Free publicity. You’ll be placed in a Facilitator Directory Listing so people in your area can seek you out proactively. Who doesn’t want to be google-able for something like that?
· It’s a business-in-a-box. Hit the ground running. No certifications, no writing pages of content, no writing marketing materials, no additional investment beyond your license. It’s all done for you.
· Return on Investment (ROI). I made back my License investment and then added thousands on top of that before I even hosted my first workshop – the materials provided make pre-selling your workshops easy.
· Downloads. The resources they provide are vast and all-encompassing, but the download speeds are frustrating for some of the audio files.
· Territory. There are no territory exclusives, so you have to carve out your niche for filling your workshop seats (partnering with other health and wellness businesses, corporations, or just blasting your own email list if you have one).
· Phase II TBD. We were just told that there will be a Phase II “Goals with a Soul” License available for free for anyone who becomes a Phase I licensor in January 2015, however we do not have a date on that release. If you want to up-sell your client attendees to attend a follow-up workshop with you, we’ll need to be on the lookout for that official 2015 launch date.
How much does it cost?
$2,000 to become a Facilitator, or 4 payments of $500 as of the time of this writing. Renewal fees are $1,000/year after year 1, cancelable anytime.
Don’t just take my word for it…
“I bought my License this morning and I already have 4 people who want to come to my first workshop in January. I’ve already made back the 1st installment I paid this morning, plus more!” – Sabrina Espinal
“As I am digging into the bonus materials, I am truly overwhelmed with gratitude. I can feel all of the work that has gone into what I am reading and had to stop to take a breath because it is truly more than I had hoped for. Wow. Standing ovation to Team D.” – Katie Burke
What it is, and what it isn’t:
And the jury says…
All things considered, this new licensing program is a well thought out, supported, done-for-you workshop platform that have been making thousands of dollars for entrepreneurs around the word since last year. For me, there was no better use of my time, talents, or treasure to achieve my financial and spiritual goals for the New Year, and I hope you experience the same kind of soul-surging success I’ve already enjoyed. And we’re just getting started.
Lotsa Love,
Note: This message is intended to provide my opinion and current knowledge of Danielle LaPorte, Inc. as an affiliate. Team Danielle has not reviewed or approved any of the content on this message. These are my words and opinion only.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Romance And Football Can They Go Hand In Hand?
The real football seasons is here. Now is the time to get serious about setting up your date night around the big games. I am lucky enough to have a partner that loves football so it makes it easier for us. Listen to this podcast and find more great ways to make watching football part of your date night, this playoff season.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Bounce Your Way To A Better Sex Life
A recent post we did was about using an exercise ball to add variety to your intimacy. That post created quite a stir and was one of our biggest hits. So we would like to revisit this post. The instability of exercise balls
creates a work out in your sex life. However, it also adds different and amazing ways to get into new and exciting positions. The spring the exercise ball gives is also a great way to add a little bounce to the motion in your ocean. Since our post exercise balls have invaded bedrooms all over the world. This is one of the best ways to improve and add more to your sex life and it's fun. Now you don't have to worry about storing that exercise ball in the basement. The beauty of all this is that using your exercise ball as a sex toy is that you don't have to hide it away after you're done. Just leave it out in the open no one will ever know what you actually use it for ;)
Saturday, January 10, 2015
I Went On A Date And All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt
Do you ever pick up something while you are on on your date that will be a memory reminder of the date? It could even be a picture with today's camera phones. Listen to this podcast on why you should pick up something to remind you of your date night.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Flannel The Romantic Sheets
The cold is here, time to venture into the recesses of our houses and retrieve the wonderful flannel sheets. These magnificent bed covers are the way to survive the cold winter months. There is nothing like snuggling deep inside these sheets with your lover as the temperature starts to dip lower and lower. It is like a different world as your two bodies create a warm oasis under these flannel sheets. It is amazing how you can keep the temperature under these sheets roasting while the outside of them is cold. If you don't have flannel sheets it is a wonderful investment that you both can enjoy. If you live in a cold climate there is no choice they need to be on your bed.
Learn how to motivate yourself in the most sexy way possible with this book on iTunes.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
What Positions Make Your Laugh the Most
Have you ever tried a Sexual Position that made you laugh more than excite you? Well if you have a truly amazing lover this should be okay with both of you!
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Coffee Shop Now That Screams Romance
Listen in as we discuss how a coffee shop might make the perfect place for your next Mission Date Night.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
A Romantic Movie That Features Two of My Favorite Celebrities Of All Time.
The Wedding Singer
Features my favorite actor Adam Sandler and also has one of my favorite musicians of all time in in Billy Idol. Plus the movie is a great romantic flick to watch. It has the mushy stuff but still holds lots of comedy so everyone can enjoy it.
A gift The Wedding Singer would be proud of:
We create a wedding dress sketch from wedding photos. We can also sketch the suit, bouquet, and shoes. Men give this to their wives for an anniversary gift. The majority of the men give this as the one year anniversary gift, as paper is the traditional one year gift. Most usually wait until the week of. I guide them to order the sketch, but give their wife a card so she can work with the artist directly. Below is a card to give your beautiful wife for this service.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Moods Are The Answer
Change the mood and change your experience. This Sexy Challenge helps you uncover a lot about you and your lover. You will learn what affects your mood by using the five main senses: touch, smell, sound, sight and taste. Raise your awareness of what things act like an aphrodisiac for you and for your partner. What brings about erotic feelings and sensations? Each and every time you do this challenge it will be different. This is an experience that you may very well want to repeat over and over again.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Van Gogh The Lover
Love always brings difficulties, that is true, but the good
side of it is that it gives energy.
side of it is that it gives energy.
- Vincent Van Gogh
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