Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Green Dragon Experience

The Green Dragon

During a recent meditation I was introduced to my Green Dragon.  What the fudge you might wonder does a Green Dragon have to do with anything?  Well the Green Dragon represents my sexual energy.  I was shown in my mediation how my Green Dragon mixes my sexual energy into everything I do.  I watched the Green Dragon do swirls in the cloudy sky and mix his/our green energy about in the sky. It was such a wonderful spot to be in and to watch and see how the creative sexual energy mixes into my entire universe.  I think most people are afraid of their sexual energy instead of embracing it like I do and allowing it to lead me everywhere.  I hope that all of you can one day experience your Green Dragon and understand how important your sexual and creative energy are to the world.  If everyone can learn to share this Green Dragon Energy with the world this place would be a much better place. 

Help for experiencing your Green Dragon Free Book!  

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