Monday, September 15, 2014

Up Level Your Manifesting

It doesn't matter how long or how hard you continue to work... or how much knowledge and experience you continue to gain...  

And, it doesn't even matter how much money you continue to "invest in yourself"...
Without this vital missing piece, all your hard work could go to waste... all your education and experience could still keep you stuck... and all of your hard-earned money could be lost!

How do I know this to be true without a doubt in my mind?
Because it all happened to me... for almost 20 years.  And, I've been where you are... or where you soon could end up...

I have woken up in the middle of many nights... regretting my mistakes from the past... and fearing what fresh, new hell tomorrow could bring...

I have also spent almost 20 years of my life studying, researching, investing in, and takingmassive action on just about every success, wealth, and abundance related product I could get my hands on.
And all of them left me disappointed... including the popular ones about "law of attraction" visualization and visioneering, persuasion, motivation, hypnosis, NLP, psychic influence, and the list goes on...

Don't get me wrong, I learned a lot from many of those products... and I even saw some great results from some of them.  But, they were all missing something. And, most of the results I got from them didn't last.

So, I was forced back into that vicious cycle of searching, studying, and spending even more of my time and hard-earned money.

And, after every frustrated experience, more and more questions would keep popping up in my head... more gaps and holes kept appearing in all the teachings and strategies... and more years of my life kept passing by...

But, do you know what the worst part about all of this has been?

It's watching all those people who are clearly less smarter than you, much less talented than you, extremely lazy...and often, just plain stupid and downright obnoxious. And yet,somehow, money, wealth, and success continue to be thrown at them... without much "work" or even any real value being produced by them!
Something was horribly wrong

And, all the while, the biggest and most powerful secret of them all - the missing piece that would make all of those other pieces finally make sense, and open up the floodgates of abundance - was right under my nose.

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