Thursday, January 21, 2010

Slip your partner some lucky money!

We all have times when we just need something good to happen to make us feel a little better. Have you ever found money in a pocket,when you put on a coat or pair of jeans you haven't worn in a while. Well I want you to create that feeling for your partner. It doesn't have to be a lot of money maybe even five bucks but if you can find a way to slip it into their pocket before they put their clothes on you might just start their day off on the right foot. I know the first thing I say when I find money in a pocket I didn't expect is, "Wow this must be going to be a lucky day" Now my whole attitude for the day has been changes with this simple act of finding unexpected money. Imagine how you could pick up your partners spirits if they are not excited about the day ahead. The only thing you can't do is tell them you placed it there, that would do just the opposite and most likely get a negative reaction. There are many other ways to accomplish this goal, such as putting a little cash in a book they are reading, slip it into their wallet, lay in on the floor board of their car, or simply lay it in their path. This simply action will make you feel good inside and it is a secret you can keep with yourself. This also is handy if your partner needs money for something right away, just tell them to wish for it and see what happens, just don't you get caught with your hand in the pocket.

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